How Can Your Business Assist DECA?
Business professionals can:
Serve on an Advisory Board at a local school or the state organization
Be a Mentor to a marketing student or a class of marketing students
Offer Field Trips/Learning Opportunities
Serve As a Judge at the State Conference
Be an exhibitor at the State Conference
Support the Louisiana DECA State Officer Training
Make a donation to the two scholarships given by La. DECA
Sponsor our conference t-shirts for the year for $200--click picture to right
Sponsor a category of events at our state conference for $500--click here
How Will DECA Benefit Your Business?
Not only will your business benefit from the positive image it will receive from being associated with DECA,
it will also have the satisfaction of helping countless high school students in their future career direction.
Your business will also:
Capitalize on access to some of the best prepared employees
Improve the relevance of the curriculum in the educational system
Make a difference in the lives of individual students
Serve as a positive role model, mentor, or training sponsor.
Partnerships Provide a Win-Win Situation
Business people renew their faith in young people and gain personal satisfaction, and
Students gain a positive image of business and business people
Students see relevance of school and work
Students make informed career decisions
Career and technical educators align their curriculum to the real
DECA by the Numbers
• 225,000 members
• 3,750 high schools and colleges
• 50 states
• 9 countries
• $500,000 in scholarships and awards
• More than 60 partnering sponsors
• $475,000 raised for the Muscular Dystrophy Association
• 62 competitive event categories
• Membership profile:
56.8 % - Female
43.2 % - Male
60 % White
15 % Hispanic
17 % African American
4 % Asian
College and Career Ready
• 86 % of DECA members report an A or B average
• 68 % plan to attend college immediately after graduating high school
• 59 % would like to attend a private college or university (More than twice the national average.)
• More than 70 % of DECA members say that DECA has influenced their future career plans
• 53 % of DECA members are obtaining experience through employment